As the world of home technology continues to advance, it’s challenging to keep up with the latest smart home features. Although it may be tempting to purchase every new product that comes out, there are some features that are worth the investment. Whether it’s a voice-controlled assistant or a wireless security camera, these gadgets offer convenience and peace of mind.

Smart Home Technology: Programmable Thermostats

Heating and cooling account for nearly half of the energy use in an average home, so investing in a smart thermostat will help you save money on your energy bill. Thermostats with Wi-Fi technology allow you to adjust the temperature remotely from your smartphone, which is especially helpful if you forget to turn off the air conditioning when you leave for work. Some thermostats learn your habits and automatically adjust the temperature for maximum efficiency.

Smart Lighting

Installing smart lighting in your home allows you to manage the lights from a smartphone or voice assistant, saving energy and allowing you to create different moods with just a few taps on a screen. Smart bulbs come in various sizes, including color-changing bulbs, so you can customize the lighting to suit any space.

Robot Vacuums

If you dread vacuuming, a robot vacuum is a great investment. These devices navigate around furniture and under beds to collect dirt and debris without you having to lift a finger. Many models come with features like Wi-Fi connectivity and automated scheduling, allowing you to control the vacuum remotely.

Wireless Security Cameras

A wireless security camera is a great way to keep an eye on your home when you’re away. From tiny doorbell cams to floodlight cameras that record high-resolution video, you’ll find one that is right for your home. With the help of motion detectors, night vision, and two-way audio capabilities, you will be informed of what’s happening on your property any time of day or night.

Smart Home Hubs: The Center of Home Technology

A smart home hub connects to your other smart devices so they can communicate with each other. The hub allows you to control smart devices from one central location. If you have a smart thermostat, security camera, and lights connected to the hub, you can use it to create custom commands; for example, “Goodnight” to adjust the temperature and turn the lights down while switching the cameras to evening settings.

Investing in the right home technology can save money on utilities, make your life more convenient, and offer peace of mind. Learn about smart devices to choose the best options for your home.

AWP Home Inspections provides home inspection services to customers in Indiana. Contact us to schedule an appointment.