You can make a variety of household cleaning products using inexpensive ingredients that you probably already have in your home. There’s no need to spend money on pricey brand name products that are made with harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances. Make your own safe, natural household cleaners for half the price of store-bought products.

All-Purpose Natural Household Cleaners

Everyone should have a bottle of all-purpose cleaner in the house for everyday spills and quick clean-ups. Mix water, white vinegar, and castile soap together in a spray bottle. The result is a handy product that you can use to clean anywhere in the house.

For an extra dose of antibacterial protection, add several drops of tea tree essential oil. White vinegar is used to cut through grime and water deposits, scrub away stains, and even disinfect kitchen equipment.

Hand Sanitizer

Make your own hand sanitizer at home. With the store shelves running empty and online prices skyrocketing, you might not have a choice if you want to provide quick and convenient hand-cleaning supplies to your family.

To make homemade sanitizer, mix rubbing alcohol with aloe vera and an essential oil of your choice. The rubbing alcohol kills the germs, while the aloe vera soothes and moisturizes your skin. Essential oils add fragrance to combat the strong odor of rubbing alcohol. Take a bottle with you when you leave the house to keep your family safe and healthy.

Natural Household Cleaners: Baking Soda

Baking soda is useful to have with your cleaning supplies. If you have a foul odor coming from the garbage disposal, pour baking soda into the drain to kill the stench. You can also mix baking soda and water to polish metal and clean kitchen appliances. This solution is inexpensive, simple, and safe; you can clean your entire kitchen for only a few dollars.

Glass Cleaner

If you have dusty or grimy windows, skip the expensive glass cleaner and mix a homemade cleaner with ingredients that you already have in your pantry. For glass cleaner, mix together water, rubbing alcohol, and white vinegar and pour it into a spray bottle. You can add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance. This cleaner might be made from simple ingredients, but it will cut through streaks and dirt as well as any store-bought brand.

Brass Cleaner

If you need a cleaner for your brass items, try white vinegar and salt. You can even replace the white vinegar with lemon juice. Good Housekeeping recommends pouring white vinegar (or lemon juice) onto a sponge, then sprinkling the sponge with salt. This simple mixture is all you need to clean dirt and grime off of brass. Once you’re done, rinse the vinegar off with cool water.

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