When it comes to cleaning your toilet, it’s not just about scrubbing the bowl and wiping down the exterior. The often-overlooked interior of the toilet tank deserves attention too. Regular cleaning of your toilet tank is essential for maintaining its working and moving parts, ensuring the overall efficiency of your toilet.

Why Cleaning Your Toilet Tank Matters

The tank at the back of your toilet houses crucial components, and if these parts aren’t functioning correctly, it can impact the entire system. Common issues such as limescale and mineral buildup can corrode metal and rubber parts, leading to potential malfunctions and unpleasant odors. While plastic components are less susceptible to mineral buildup, mold and mildew growth can still pose a threat in the damp environment inside the tank.

Avoid In-Tank Cleaners

In-tank cleaners, including popular hacks like pouring Fabuloso cleaner into the tank, can be harmful. Chemicals in these cleaners may break down plastic and rubber components, shortening the life of your toilet’s working parts. Some manufacturers even void warranties if such cleaners are used. It’s crucial to steer clear of these shortcuts for long-term toilet health.

The Right Way to Clean Your Toilet Tank

Cleaning your tank doesn’t have to be a daunting task, especially if done regularly. If the tank appears relatively clean with minor buildup, and no loose deposits are present, there’s no need to drain it. Follow these steps for a simple and effective clean:

How to Clean a Toilet Tank Without Draining

  1. Before bedtime or during a period of non-use, add one cup of white vinegar (or two tablespoons of citric acid) per gallon of water to the tank.
  2. Let the mixture sit overnight or for a few hours.
  3. With gloves on, use a long-handled brush to scrub the inside of the tank.
  4. If necessary, flush and add more vinegar before scrubbing stubborn spots with an old toothbrush.
  5. Give the toilet a few final flushes to clear out the cleaning solution.

How to Deep-Clean a Toilet Tank

  1. Shut off the water supply, flush to empty the tank, and wear rubber gloves.
  2. Scoop out any debris from the bottom of the tank.
  3. Create a solution of one-part warm water and one-part white vinegar (or citric acid dissolved in warm water).
  4. Use a long-handled brush to scrub the inside of the tank thoroughly.
  5. Address stubborn areas with a toothbrush or rag.
  6. Turn the water supply back on and flush the toilet.

Maintenance Frequency

To keep mineral buildup under control, it’s recommended to clean your tank at least once a year. Periodically check for excessive mineral accumulation to ensure all components can function correctly, maintaining a trouble-free toilet operation.

AWP Home Inspections offers inspection services to homebuyers and sellers in West Central and Central Indiana. Contact us to schedule an appointment.